build: reanimate the dead

Fix build with ndn-cxx 0.7.1 and ChronoSync 0.5.3

* Adapt to new API
* Upgrade to Qt5
* Several other bugs

Refs: #4563, #4087
Change-Id: Ic55d687caade08f557f9b9ec3e9569bc96798710
diff --git a/src/endorse-combobox-delegate.cpp b/src/endorse-combobox-delegate.cpp
index 1888baf..319135a 100644
--- a/src/endorse-combobox-delegate.cpp
+++ b/src/endorse-combobox-delegate.cpp
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
                                const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
                                const QModelIndex& index) const
-  QStyleOptionViewItemV4 myOption = option;
+  QStyleOptionViewItem myOption = option;
   QString text = m_items[index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toUInt()].c_str();
   myOption.text = text;