bug+codestyle: Fix compile bugs and adjust code style
Change-Id: I008bb538441c099fa25b8b967fbf23ffce13a220
diff --git a/src/controller.hpp b/src/controller.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d445171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controller.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
+ * Yingdi Yu
+ *
+ * BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information
+ *
+ * Author: Yingdi Yu <yingdi@cs.ucla.edu>
+ */
+#include <QDialog>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
+#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
+#include "setting-dialog.hpp"
+#include "start-chat-dialog.hpp"
+#include "profile-editor.hpp"
+#include "invitation-dialog.hpp"
+#include "contact-panel.hpp"
+#include "browse-contact-dialog.hpp"
+#include "add-contact-panel.hpp"
+#include "chat-dialog.hpp"
+#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "contact-manager.hpp"
+#include "validator-invitation.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
+namespace chronos {
+class Controller : public QDialog
+public: // public methods
+ Controller(shared_ptr<ndn::Face> face, QWidget* parent = 0);
+ virtual
+ ~Controller();
+private: // private methods
+ std::string
+ getDBName();
+ void
+ openDB();
+ void
+ initialize();
+ void
+ setInvitationListener();
+ void
+ loadConf();
+ void
+ saveConf();
+ void
+ createActions();
+ void
+ createTrayIcon();
+ void
+ updateMenu();
+ void
+ onLocalPrefix(const Interest& interest, Data& data);
+ void
+ onLocalPrefixTimeout(const Interest& interest);
+ void
+ onInvitationInterestWrapper(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest,
+ size_t routingPrefixOffset);
+ void
+ onInvitationRegisterFailed(const Name& prefix, const std::string& failInfo);
+ void
+ onInvitationValidated(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest);
+ void
+ onInvitationValidationFailed(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest,
+ std::string failureInfo);
+ std::string
+ getRandomString();
+ ndn::Name
+ getInvitationRoutingPrefix();
+ void
+ addChatDialog(const QString& chatroomName, ChatDialog* chatDialog);
+ void
+ closeDBModule();
+ void
+ localPrefixUpdated(const QString& localPrefix);
+ void
+ identityUpdated(const QString& identity);
+ void
+ refreshBrowseContact();
+ void
+ invitationInterest(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest, size_t routingPrefixOffset);
+private slots:
+ void
+ onIdentityUpdated(const QString& identity);
+ void
+ onIdentityUpdatedContinued();
+ void
+ onContactIdListReady(const QStringList& list);
+ void
+ onNickUpdated(const QString& nick);
+ void
+ onLocalPrefixUpdated(const QString& localPrefix);
+ void
+ onStartChatAction();
+ void
+ onSettingsAction();
+ void
+ onProfileEditorAction();
+ void
+ onAddContactAction();
+ void
+ onContactListAction();
+ void
+ onDirectAdd();
+ void
+ onUpdateLocalPrefixAction();
+ void
+ onMinimizeAction();
+ void
+ onQuitAction();
+ void
+ onStartChatroom(const QString& chatroom, bool secured);
+ void
+ onInvitationResponded(const Name& invitationName, bool accepted);
+ void
+ onShowChatMessage(const QString& chatroomName, const QString& from, const QString& data);
+ void
+ onResetIcon();
+ void
+ onRemoveChatDialog(const QString& chatroom);
+ void
+ onWarning(const QString& msg);
+ void
+ onError(const QString& msg);
+ void
+ onInvitationInterest(const Name& prefix, const Interest& interest, size_t routingPrefixOffset);
+private: // private member
+ typedef std::map<std::string, QAction*> ChatActionList;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ChatDialog*> ChatDialogList;
+ // Communication
+ shared_ptr<ndn::Face> m_face;
+ Name m_localPrefix;
+ const ndn::RegisteredPrefixId* m_invitationListenerId;
+ // Contact Manager
+ ContactManager m_contactManager;
+ // Tray
+ QAction* m_startChatroom;
+ QAction* m_minimizeAction;
+ QAction* m_settingsAction;
+ QAction* m_editProfileAction;
+ QAction* m_contactListAction;
+ QAction* m_addContactAction;
+ QAction* m_updateLocalPrefixAction;
+ QAction* m_quitAction;
+ QMenu* m_trayIconMenu;
+ QMenu* m_closeMenu;
+ QSystemTrayIcon* m_trayIcon;
+ ChatActionList m_chatActionList;
+ ChatActionList m_closeActionList;
+ // Dialogs
+ SettingDialog* m_settingDialog;
+ StartChatDialog* m_startChatDialog;
+ ProfileEditor* m_profileEditor;
+ InvitationDialog* m_invitationDialog;
+ ContactPanel* m_contactPanel;
+ BrowseContactDialog* m_browseContactDialog;
+ AddContactPanel* m_addContactPanel;
+ ChatDialogList m_chatDialogList;
+ // Conf
+ Name m_identity;
+ std::string m_nick;
+ QSqlDatabase m_db;
+ // Security related;
+ ndn::KeyChain m_keyChain;
+ ValidatorInvitation m_validator;
+} // namespace chronos